anti-authority artwork and apparel

BTC Accepted & Preferred

All shirts printed to order.

a Variety of Crafts

There is not really a specific direction or limit to what you may find here. Anything I take an interest in creating by hand or with whatever equipment I have access to, and I think someone may be willing to buy, will end up for sale here. Although not exclusively, most pieces of art I produce will have an anti-authoritarian theme ranging from guns, to graffiti, to political cynicism, to conspiracy theories.

Commitment to Promoting Real Money

The most effective tool by which the “Powers that Be” control the lives of all of us unwashed masses and wealthy bourgeois alike is the fraudulent fractional reserve monetary system. As long as we keep believing the number that shows up on our bank accounts represents anything real we’ll never escape the slavery that too many of us are blissfully unaware of. This is my part in promoting forms of wealth that aren’t ultimately just meaningless 1s and 0s that are controlled by a central authority and can be snapped away in an instant if they so desire.

Some Things you will Find here

Screen-Printed products

  • Screen printed by hand using a manual press
  • Apparel, Bags, Accessories, Wall art
  • Print to Order


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“Nigga you better not be giving me Hennessy rates”